Aug 2024 Letter

The adventure awaits!

Dreams reside outside the realm of our reality. 

After all, if the things we normally do every day, every month, every year can result in the fulfillment of our dreams, wouldn't it have happened by now?

(The Merry Go Round)

We all live within our circle of comfort: the beliefs we cherish, the thoughts we harbor, the habitual behaviors we follow. It's all so easy to continue following the same track around the merry-go-round. 

(The Fantasy Island)

And, once in a while, we look outside the circle and see our desires projected outside of our every day life. 

Our desire is like an island in the horizon that's unreachable from the land on which we live: 

We see the supportive and amazing relationship we would love to have. 

We see the lifestyle that we think only a few lucky ones have. 

We see ourselves waking up looking forward to work that leaves us feeling fulfilled at the end of the day.

Then, we go back to our daily routine and find contentment in what we already have:

We hold on to the friends and relationships that are no longer supportive

We hold on to the lifestyle that we have already outgrown. 

We hold on to the work that we have been doing for years. 

Most of us even turn our backs on our dreams. We call it a mirage that is beautiful but "not for me".

Some of us continue to hope for a miracle to bring us there. We hope that winning the lottery would automatically teleport us to the island of our desires.

A few of us start expanding their land towards their dream isle. 

They cast aside old thoughts and habits that are no longer of service. 

They build new mindsets and beliefs that take them to the next level of their development. 

New terrain is formed. Until one day, the current island encompasses the dream isle.

(The adventure)

The last path is not easy. It's the path of adventure. And we all know what sacrifices and hardships lie in that direction. 

They will have to train hard to be transformed from an ordinary commoner to a fierce warrior or a fearsome wizard. Thereby allowing them to be the hero that saves themselves.

They will encounter monsters and dragons, as they face their fears and their pain. 

They will have to tear down and build new kingdoms. They will break down old structures, relationships, habits, life choices that used to be their support and create new and better ones that align with their new identity. 

(The reward)

But at the end of their path is the treasure, the princess, the kingdom, their reward. The dream that they have always longed for will come true.

And they will find after all, that they have changed during their journey: 

Their capacity to receive more from the universe has grown. 

Their abilities have been honed. 

Their wisdom has increased.

And then they will look up and find more dream islands in the horizon waiting to be conquered.

Michelle Skalnik

Ma Vié Belle!

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