Personal Transformation

Coaching and energy healing to help you create a life of abundance!

Find your authentic self to realize your dream!

Today, I invite you into a journey of joy and wonder and excitement in the discovery of your dream!

I invite you into a coaching relationship with me. I will be your guide and your support in finding your way towards the life you love by releasing your potential and cultivating the inner capacities and strengths that you have been naturally blessed with.

In these coaching sessions, I use a combination of coaching, mindset shifts, emotional healing, and skill development, to go through an iterative 5 stage approach to guide my clients up successive levels in their personal journey.

The stages are:

1. Attending to pressing issues.

Life is messy. But it is the whole of us. We cannot compartmentalize life and say that one part doesn't affect the other. 

A mother going through a messy divorce will find it difficult to focus on career changes. 

An employee facing lay offs and financial difficulties cannot be expected to be fully present in the dating scene.

A father who just lost a child cannot be expected to continue planning the dream anniversary vacation with his spouse.

... Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we have to deal with these first before we can move on.

If you are going through some of these urgent issues, we will examine the impact it has on you and we will find the right method to bring your "panic alarm" down to a manageable level. 

In our coaching sessions, I will guide you towards finding your own strength. We will also use healing practices to release some of these overwhelming energies as needed.

2. Envisioning the dream future.

Once you can be fully present, we will work on putting color and detail to your dream. This is important because this is your "north star". This will be your motivation, what will keep you going when times are difficult. This will be your comfort during the journey.

Our brains doesn't distinguish between reality and imagination. Your projection of the future will have a very real emotional impact in your physiology. I will show you how to take advantage of this ability to pull you towards your future.

Keep in mind that:

One. Your dream doesn't manifest all at once, fully formed and perfect in every way. It reveals itself little by little as you journey down the path. It's like seeing the scenery unfold as you drive up a winding road. There's something always new to discover. And most of the time, you reach your dream and discover that the universe has more in store for you.

Two. Sometimes we buy into the propaganda. We mix up what our family, our friends, or society says is success and think that this is our dream. 

It is necessary to distinguish and let go of these desires that are not yours, and the assumptions that may not be true.

In our coaching sessions, we will let go of the dream that "is not you" and build the image of the life you desire and yearn for. This image will carry an energy that will be the call for the universe to manifest your dream and organize itself around your success.

3. Shedding invisible inner barriers.

We all have an identity, our image of who we are, of what we can do, of our capacities and our limitations. 

This identity has been formed by past experiences, struggles and success. It has been formed by what your family believes and said about you. It has been formed by societal norms that you grew up with.

How many people have you heard say:

That's just not me.

I cannot dance, I have two left feet.

No one wants to spend time with me.

I'm just a cog in the wheel.

That's not possible. It's just in TV (or books or movies) that it can happen.

These are the boundaries we put around what is possible for us to achieve. 

Because we believe these things about our abilities, we don't even try. 

Because we believe these things about others, we don't even reach out. 

Because we believe these things about life, we give up on our dream.

We will bring these assumptions to light and discover how these assumptions show up in your life.

We will find out how you have structured your life to support these assumptions about yourself.

We will find out how you generate "evidence" to reinforcing these beliefs.

In our coaching sessions, we will open your eyes to these dynamics. Once you have seen them, you will then realize that you have the power to choose to discontinue these mindsets, habits and behaviors, and form new ones that serve you better.

4. Resolving emotional blocks.

Most of us know what to do. But fear, or anxiety, or anger, or pain may be keeping us from taking action. These emotions are holding us back even though we want to move forward. 

Emotions are meant to be felt and then released. But as we go through life, there are events and moments that we hold on to for one reason or another. We push them down because it's not proper to show emotion. We deny them because we don't want to be labeled too sensitive. We pretend they're not there so we can surivive and do what's needed to be done. But when we do these things, the emotions stay with us and grow as we encounter similar experiences that reminds us of the past. The emotions flare up almost instantaneously, and usually disproportionately to the current offense. They become habitual feelings.

And most of the time, we don't even know this is happening. Our sub-conscious mind keeps coming up with excuses that seem very reasonable to ourselves (but your friends may find inconsistent). It is instinctive human nature to try to avoid pain, like pulling your hand away from fire. 

In our coaching sessions, we will use energy healing methods to release these trapped emotions and free you to take the action you need.

5. Developing the skills for success.

We all take the time to learn the skills we need in our current reality. 

We learn to drive the car if there's no efficient public transit nearby, otherwise we just take the bus.

We learn to do presentations if our role requires it, otherwise we just learn to put together reports.

We gain understanding of the rules of hockey if your friends in Canada watch it, but we learn how football is played to get along with our friends in the US.

But our dream life needs additional skills to attain. 

Gaining financial freedom needs knowledge on investing and managing money.

Achieving your career goals may need skills in networking, influence and public speaking.

Building a deep and lasting relationship may need skills in listening, presence and vulnerability.

In our coaching sessions, we will identify the top skills needed to bring about the results you are looking for. We will come up with a plan to develop these and I will hold you accountable for your next steps.

I've seen the immediate and long term rewards of taking this path. One lady found it easier to communicate with others when she stopped being afraid of offending others. Another grew in confidence and recognition in the workplace. Another is now pursuing her financial independence. Another was able to break free of anger and automatic reactions that was isolating him from other people.

What would the rewards be for you? Are you ready to take your life to the next level? Book a free consult. Email me at


"Michelle is an exceptional coach, guiding me through six impactful sessions. Her strength lies in active listening, and her unique ability to pose insightful questions from various angles prompts deep self-reflection. She listens well and is able to connect and understand me in a very deep level. The time invested with her was truly valuable and has given me significant personal growth and development. I highly recommend her. The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself." 

-- SB, manager at Microsoft Canada